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Daily Archives: June 24, 2011

Raspberry Muffins or Cupcakes

Yesterday night I was at home and suddenly I remembered that this Saturday I have a party called “Cakes, tea & champagne”, so I decided to cook muffins with raspberry .

I checked the recipe that my Japanese friend gave me. After that I went to the kitchen to be sure that I had all the ingredients for some muffins for my party.

  • 100 gr of butter
  • 100 gr brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 gr flour
  • 1 glass of raspberrys
  • Preheat the oven 180 ºC

oven with cupcakes








The first step is to melt the butter until it gets like mayo (I did it with a fork) I think this is the worst part, but it has to be done!!!

Then, you can add the sugar and eggs  and beat it until it becomes uniform.

Once you have this mixture, add the flour little by little and do the mix without beating it. You should fold the blend if you want your muffins/cupcakes to raise.

Now you can add the raspberrys or other fruits. Feel free to try new things and tell us your experience.

Don´t forget to fill the cupcake molds with the mix and put the creation (the cupcakes) in the oven, around 20-25 minutes.

                  some muffinsmolds for cupcakes

You can enjoy the cooking while listening to some music!!!!!!!!

Bonne appétit cupcake lovers, see you next Friday!